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More About BANYAN

The BANYAN project is designed to address major open issues towards the realisation of data-driven 5G RAN, as follows:
- Modelling and forecasting macroscopic high-dimensional mobile traffic patterns observed at RAN for individual services, at
multiple scales in time and space;
- Geo-locating and characterising in-building mobile traffic patterns observed at RAN;
- Designing data-driven strategies for the allocation of 5G RAN resources;
- Designing data-driven policies for the orchestration of 5G RAN resources to suit service requirements and dynamics via network slices;
- Coordinating outdoor and indoor heterogeneous networks to meet user QoS requirements.

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Prof Jie Zhang is a co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at RPN; he has also held the Chair in Wireless Systems at the University of Sheffield (USFD) since 2011. He has been focused on pioneering data-driven RAN optimisation, and co-authored some of the earliest work in predicting traffic hot spots and assessing user experience by analysing Twitter data22 23. Since 2007, he has published one book and over 160 journal and conference papers, which have attracted over 6100 citations with an H-index of 32. Since 2006, he has been awarded over 25 grants by EPSRC and the EC FP6/FP7/H2020, including some of the world’s earliest research projects on femtocell/HetNets.

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